Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I'm so tired even though I'm sleeping a lot. Note, I have not laid down flat since Sat night in the USA. I've been sleeping in various sitting postures.

We're on our descent and the clouds are unbelievably puffy and vertical. The one immediately outside the window looks just like Lotso Bear from Toy Story 3. It's getting dark and there is a thin red/pink line across the cloud backdrops which moves along the horizon becoming an orangeier yellow, the clouds are dark and the sky above the row of light is a night blue sky.
I see one star out there.
As we were first coming in mountain tops peaked over the clouds. It's too dark for any of that now, especially as we start sinking in the dark clouds. We still have breaks in the clouds, therefore breaks in the darkness. And now I'm thinking the darker is mountains, I'm almost sure of it. Lights below are becoming visible and the eerie clouds are now above. I'm almost wishing I arrived in daytime now, because I know so little of what to expect and an eerie night sky just makes me more nervous.
I'm going to have a lot to see when I wake up tomorrow.
We've landed, I made it here. Now for the interesting part, making sure I get picked up and taken to a place to stay with IVHQ, that my bag gets here and the police check I got for the volunteer work is sufficient enough.

Well, here goes... Welcome to Nepal

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