Saturday, July 24, 2010


I've loved Slumdog Millionaire since I first saw it.  Destiny has always been a "fluffy" word to me.  I've always believed in free will and my own autonomy.  As I get older though I see how life gets heavier; earlier this year while driving back from NOLA over a large body of water, the Beatles came on and I lost myself in the moment with my kindred spirit driving and me in the front seat I adopted a new mantra, "Let It Be".  Even if I have every single bit of my own autonomy I can't control someone else, and I wouldn't want to anyway.  So, let it be.  From then on, I'd retreat to that place in my mind especially when I'd get overwhelmed by what was spinning out of my control and against my desires.

Fast forward, next thing you know I'm deciding to go to Tibet, as is Sarah, and we are to leave it to "our destiny".  With my own effort, which was necessary, like getting to the Ethiad Office and investigating making travel changes, etc.  I was faced with a decision, pay the $400 to change my flight home so I can book Tibet.  If it's my destiny, how can I just let it be?  I don't fully know what I even want because Sarah can't afford to go now and that makes me less excited, but I'm here and it could be amazing.  How can I just let it be?  Flip a coin.  I ask the Ethiad guy for one because I can't find one, "Map. Go.  House.  Back Home"  Coin on my thumb, flip, catch right hand quickly place on back of my left hand then slowly pull away right hand.  Map.  Tibet.  "Ok, let's change it."  The travel agent lets me keep what is now my destiny coin, because I remind him of himself.  It comes back to faith really, destiny, that is.  It's just trusting in advance what only makes sense in reverse.
So, over the year since I've taken on my "Let It Be" mindset I have developed it more and more, and it interconnects with destiny and faith.  And in this trip it's grown to "whatever happens to me is for my ultimate good."
Here I am in Nepal... I was always coming here, I was never not and I'm going right where I am supposed to be.

ps happy birthday beth

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